Sub-Committee on Mental Health: Pre-legislative scrutiny of the general scheme of the Mental Health (Amendment) Bill 2021 8 March 2022

On the 8 March 2022, on the invitation of Senator Frances Black, Chair of Sub Committee on Mental Health, a group including mental health legal and advocacy experts, people with self-experience and representation from CVNI, met to raise concerns about the Mental Health (Amendment) Bill 2021, especially concerns in the area of human rights. The recording below shows the proceedings of the hearing, with an introduction by Frances Black, followed by opening statements of the invitees, and Q&A from the Senators on the Sub Committee.

Recording of Sub-Committee on Mental Health: Pre-legislative scrutiny of the general scheme of the Mental Health (Amendment) Bill 2021 on 8 March 2022

Sub-Committee on Mental Health: Pre-legislative scrutiny of the general scheme of the Mental Health (Amendment) Bill 2021 8 March 2022

On the 8 March 2022, on the invitation of Senator Frances Black, Chair of Sub Committee on Mental Health, a group including mental health legal and advocacy experts, people with self-experience and representation from CVNI, met to raise concerns about the Mental Health (Amendment) Bill 2021, especially concerns in the area of human rights. The recording below shows the proceedings of the hearing, with an introduction by Frances Black, followed by opening statements of the invitees, and Q&A from the Senators on the Sub Committee.


Sub Committee on Mental Health members present:

Senator Frances Black (Independent)

TD Mark Ward (Sinn Fein)

TD Pat Buckley (Sinn Fein)

Senator Annie Hoey (Labour Party)

TD Neasa Hourigan (Green Party)

Hearing starts at 24.50 with introductions by Frances Black, Chairing

Opening Statements:

Fiona Morrissey: 26.35

Liz Brosnan: 34.00

Charles O’Mahony: 42.40

Jennifer Hough: 50.20

Fiona Anderson: 55.45

Deirdre Lillis: 1.12.35

Harry Gijbels: 1.38.40

Rosy Wilson (read by Fiona Morrissey): 2.21.30

Senators and TDs Q&A:

TD Mark Ward: 1.01s.50

TD Neasa Hourigan: 1.17.40

Senator Annie Hoey: 1.44.45

TD Pat Buckley: 2.12

TD Mark Ward: 2.25

Senator Frances Black: 2.35

Hearing ends at 2.42

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